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BIO3102 Molecular Evolution (Winter term)

Course description:

(Official): Mechanisms and forces responsible for changes in genetic material during evolution. Topics will include rates and patterns of nucleotide substitutions, molecular phylogenies, molecular clocks, origin of the eukaryotic cell, origin of introns, concerted evolution, transposable elements.

(Informal): The most fundamental component of biodiversity is genetic diversity represented as genomes of viruses, bacteria, archaea, and eukaryotes. These genomes are altered by mutations of many different kinds, some neutral and some deleterious or even lethal. Many mutations result in human diseases. Natural selection acts on genotypes with different fitnesses, leading to adaptation, genetic diversification and speciation. Molecular evolution studies probe the evolutionary process of diverse evolutionary lineages at the level of genomes, transcripts and proteins. They provide the basic tools to trace evolution back in time so that "He who sees things from the very beginning has the most advantageous view of them".

Learning outcomes:

  1. To acquire skills and experience in applying scientific methods to problem-solving, e.g., how to formulate hypotheses, derive predictions and test these predictions.
  2. To provide an understanding of how mutation and selection shape the evolution of genes, genomes and gene interactions in viruses, prokaryotes and eukaryotes
  3. To learn molecular approaches in reconstructing the evolutionary history of genes and organisms.
  4. To gain the conceptual framework in which bioinformatic tools have been developed to study molecula revolution.
  5. To relate molecular evolution to research in biomedical science.
  6. To develop skills in scientific communication.

Teaching methods:


Reference books:

  • Graur & Li (2000) Fundamentals of Molecular Evolution. 2d ed. Sinauer Press. Available at Agora or University of Ottawa bookstores. Recent research papers will also be discussed.
  • Xia, X. 2018. Bioinformatics and the cell: Modern computational approaches in genomics, proteomics and transcriptomics (2nd edition. You can download the book free or purchase a hard copy for $24.99.


Mid-term exam #1 (1.5 hr): 25%
Mid-term exam #2 (1.5 hr): 25%
Final exam (3 hr): 50%


  • Marking disputes: If you feel an error has been made in grading, you have 10 working days from the date of grade-release to request a regrading. Beyond 10 working days the mark is considered final.
  • When a regrading occurs, the new mark will stand whether it is higher or lower, so there is no guarantee your mark will increase. Simple adding mistakes unfortunately happen on occasion given the volume of exams we have to mark and such cases are easy to correct. However, disputes over partial marks on partially correct answers will not always work out in your favour and should be reserved for cases in which you feel you have a strong justification. When requesting a regrading, you must provide an explanation as to what you feel the issue is (i.e. why you think you deserve a higher grade). The more specific this is the better your chance of success.
  • Exams are cumulative. Students who miss an exam due to medical reasons (a doctor's note is needed) will take a deferred exam (0 mark if no medical reason is given).


As per uOttawa policy, to ensure they succeed in all courses of their program of study, students have the responsibility to participate in the various learning and assessment activities for this course.


Plagiarism is the act of passing off someone else's words or ideas as your own. Plagiarism is a major academic offence (see the University of Ottawa regulation on academic fraud) and is also illegal. We uphold the law. It is critical that you understand what constitutes plagiarism and how you can avoid it. For more information, consult the Student's Guide on Academic Integrity from the Student Academic Success Service.


Prof. Xuhua Xia, Gendron 278.
E-mail: xxia@uottawa.ca
Phone: 562-5800 ext 6886
Office hour: Friday 2:00-5:00 pm (or email me to arrange an alternative time).

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