XiaLab at University of Ottawa

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About Xia

Joining XiaLab

Current research projects that you can participate in:

  • Alternative splicing and human diseases (RNA-Seq data)
  • Evolution and adaptation between bacteriophage and their hosts (Genomic and RNA-Seq data)
  • Evolution of DNA and RNA viruses in mammalian hosts
  • Mitochondrial diseases (mtDNA and RNA-Seq data)
  • Coevolution between motif signals and their decoders in microbial species (Genomic and RNA-Seq data)
  • Evolution of unfolded protein response from yeast to human (Genomic and RNA-Seq data)
  • molecular phylogenetics and Phylogeography with DNA barcoding data (DNA and geographic data)
  • bioinformatics: algorithms and software development

If you are passionate about particular organisms, genes, biological processes, regulatory mechanisms, algorithms or data (e.g., RNA-Seq), please contact me so that I can schedule an interview during which you will be asked to do a PowerPoint presentation of a scientific paper of your choice.

I prefer that you have a specific research question. Students without research experirence fall into two categories: 1) they are not curious about anything and consequently have no questions, or 2) they have too many questions but do not know which to ask first. The first step in research is to gain the skill of asking questions. I will share with you many specific research questions I have in my mind during the interview.

If available, please share with me 1) a softcopy of your transcirpt and 2) a piece of your own favourite writings on any genre.

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