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- Lab manual in PDF
- KAL153_AF193276.gb (KAL153 genome in GenBank format)
- RefGag.FAS (Reference gag sequences from HIV-1 subtypes)
- RefEnv.FAS (Reference env sequences from HIV-1 subtypes)
- RefGag_AF193276.FAS (Reference gag sequences + KAL153 gag sequence)
- RefEnv_AF193276.FAS (Reference env sequences + KAL153 env sequence)
- Human_HbB_A1.gb (Human HbA1 and HbB gene sequences in GenBank format)
- InfA_NY_2004_H3N2.gbk (Influenza A genomic sequences in GenBank format, including all 8 segments)
- BacillusAnthracisStrAmesAncestor.gb (Genome of Bacillus anthracis str Ames ancestor in GenBank format)
- Ch22Hum50-30.FAS
- EscherichiaColiK12SubstrDH10B.gb (Genome of Escherichia coli K12 substr DH10B in GenBank format)
- Sc.gbk (Genomic sequence file of Saccharomyces cerevisiae in GenBank format).
- DmIRES60.FAS (Putative IRESs for the fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster, used in Xia and Holcik 2009)
- ScIRESwithRC.FAS (Putative IRESs for the yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, used in Xia and Holcik 2009)
- IRES.xls (IRES activities for the fruit fly and the yeast IRESs)
- BLASTParameter.xlsm (Containing an EXCEL macro 'Karlin', for computing BLAST parameters λ (lambda), K and H.)