BIO3119 Population Genetics (Fall term)
(This page is rarely updated. Please use Brightspce for updated information)
Relevant information:
- This course is more mathematical than other biology courses.
- Student composition: BioMed (40%), BioPharm (24%), Biology (16%), Biochem (8%), Health (8%), Other (4%)
- In past years, 3rd- and 4th- year Biology students performed equally well in this course, but in all other programs, 3rd year students performed much worse than 4th-year students in this course. BPS students typically include the best and the worst performers in the course.
- Syllabus
- Reference book: Felsenstein, J. 2019. Theoretical Population Genetics (An excellent source of population genetics insights)
- A very useful software tool for teaching population genetics: PopG
The exam files will be ready for downloading at the scheduled exam time. The URL of the exam files is
(where "WhatExam" is either "MockExam", "Midterm", or "Final", and "########" is your student ID)
The link for the deferred final exam is the same as that for the final exam.
For lecture schedule and PPT slides, please access Brightspace
(The slide-embedded assignments are to be submitted on Tuesday in the week following the lecture.)