BIO8102B: Advanced Applied Biostatistics
Lecture slides
- Intro to GLM (1): Doing everyting in regression: Numerical illustration
- Doing multi-way ANOVA and ANCOVA in regression: SS1, SS3, Model selection Numerical illustration + Intro to R
- GLM with categorical and continuous independent variables: same slope (ANCOVA) or different slopes
- Common mistakes in statistical inference involving more than one independent variable. Lecture slides
- The least-square principle in regression and beyond (and a briefing on the maximum likelihood method): PPT, Intro_LS_LM.xlsx, RegAbsDeviationBootstrap.xlsx, and LS_ML_Goodness_of_fit.xlsx
- Multiple regression, and Stepwise regression
- Non-linear regression
- Student requested topic: phylogeny-based comparative method
- Student requested topic: Spatial statistics (1)
- Student requested topic: Spatial statistics (2)
- Multiple regression, and Stepwise regression
- Polynomial regression and transformation in regression
- Non-linear regression
- Multivariate statistics Pincipal Component Analysis, Linear Discrimination Function Analysis, Cluster Analysis, MANOVA and Canonical correlation (optional)
- Categorical data analysis
R and data files
- Describe.R
- StatsGroupData.R
- DarwinPlantBreeding.txt
- DarwinPlantBreeding.txt
- ChestData.txt
- WranglerData.txt
- Mercury2Gr_A.txt
- Mercury2Gr_B.txt
- Mercury3Gr_A.txt
- RandCompleteBlock.txt
- TwoWayANOVA.txt
- DataTransformTwoWayANOVA.txt
- TwoWayANOVAInteraction.txt
- ThreeWayANOVA.txt
- RepeatedMeasures.txt
- OrganGeneExpression.txt
- LakeBiomass.txt
- LakeIronBiomass.txt
- BartlettTest.txt
- BeetleWtLoss.txt
- WasteCost.txt
- Stepwise.txt
- poly1.txt
- ElephantWt.txt
- Pesticide.txt
- PowerTransform.txt
- nlinGESE.txt
- nlinLogistic.txt
- AncovaEx1Drug.txt
- AncovaEx2TeachingEval.txt
- DiffSlopeMuscle.txt
- PCAex1.txt
- Crime.txt
- MANOVAex1.txt
- MANOVAex2.txt
- XYZ.txt
- Cancor.csv
- Cancor.txt
- KidneyStoneLumped.txt
- KidneyStone.txt
- HairColor.txt
- Titanic.txt
- ThreeD.txt