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BIO8102L: Statitical thinking



  1. Introduction to statistical thinking
  2. The least-square principle in regression and beyond (and a briefing on the maximum likelihood method): EXCEL file
  3. Various types of regression approaches with LAD, and LS criteria and Model II regression EXCEL file
  4. Maximum likelihood criterion and its application
  5. Multiple regression with matrix approach, with EXCEL and R
  6. Model selection: criteria derived from R2 and log-likelihood
  7. General linear models: aiming to do everything (including t-test, ANOVA, ANCOVA) by regression: I EXCEL file
  8. Model selection: likelihood ratio test
  9. Statistical distributions and significance tests
  10. Bayesian inference with MCMC: Lecture slides and EXCEL+R
  11. Confidence interval, credible interval and high density interval: slides
  12. Model II and other types of regression and Resampling techniques (bootstrapping and jackknifing) for assessing variation of parameters: slides
  13. Bayesian regression
  14. Data transformation, EXCEL file for illustrating Box-Cox power translation
  15. Nonlinear regression with least-square and maximum likelihood methods: Slides and EXCEL file
  16. Categorical data analysis: PPT slides and EXCEL file
  17. Generalized linear models: PPT and EXCEL
  18. multivariate statistics: PPT, EXCEL for manual calculation, and EXCEL with PCA, correspondence analysis, etc.

R and data files

  1. Describe.R
  2. StatsGroupData.R
  3. DarwinPlantBreeding.txt
  4. DarwinPlantBreeding.txt
  5. ChestData.txt
  6. WranglerData.txt
  7. Mercury2Gr_A.txt
  8. Mercury2Gr_B.txt
  9. Mercury3Gr_A.txt
  10. RandCompleteBlock.txt
  11. TwoWayANOVA.txt
  12. DataTransformTwoWayANOVA.txt
  13. TwoWayANOVAInteraction.txt
  14. ThreeWayANOVA.txt
  15. RepeatedMeasures.txt
  16. OrganGeneExpression.txt
  17. LakeBiomass.txt
  18. LakeIronBiomass.txt
  19. BartlettTest.txt
  20. BeetleWtLoss.txt
  21. WasteCost.txt
  22. Stepwise.txt
  23. poly1.txt
  24. ElephantWt.txt
  25. Pesticide.txt
  26. PowerTransform.txt
  27. nlinGESE.txt
  28. nlinLogistic.txt
  29. AncovaEx1Drug.txt
  30. AncovaEx2TeachingEval.txt
  31. DiffSlopeMuscle.txt
  32. PCAex1.txt
  33. Crime.txt
  34. MANOVAex1.txt
  35. MANOVAex2.txt
  36. XYZ.txt
  37. Cancor.csv
  38. Cancor.txt
  39. KidneyStoneLumped.txt
  40. KidneyStone.txt
  41. HairColor.txt
  42. Titanic.txt
  43. ThreeD.txt
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