BIO8102L: Statitical thinking
- Introduction to statistical thinking
- The least-square principle in regression and beyond (and a briefing on the maximum likelihood method): EXCEL file
- Various types of regression approaches with LAD, and LS criteria and Model II regression EXCEL file
- Maximum likelihood criterion and its application
- Multiple regression with matrix approach, with EXCEL and R
- Model selection: criteria derived from R2 and log-likelihood
- General linear models: aiming to do everything (including t-test, ANOVA, ANCOVA) by regression: I EXCEL file
- Model selection: likelihood ratio test
- Statistical distributions and significance tests
- Bayesian inference with MCMC: Lecture slides and EXCEL+R
- Confidence interval, credible interval and high density interval: slides
- Model II and other types of regression and Resampling techniques (bootstrapping and jackknifing) for assessing variation of parameters: slides
- Bayesian regression
- Data transformation, EXCEL file for illustrating Box-Cox power translation
- Nonlinear regression with least-square and maximum likelihood methods: Slides and EXCEL file
- Categorical data analysis: PPT slides and EXCEL file
- Generalized linear models: PPT and EXCEL
- multivariate statistics: PPT, EXCEL for manual calculation, and EXCEL with PCA, correspondence analysis, etc.
R and data files
- Describe.R
- StatsGroupData.R
- DarwinPlantBreeding.txt
- DarwinPlantBreeding.txt
- ChestData.txt
- WranglerData.txt
- Mercury2Gr_A.txt
- Mercury2Gr_B.txt
- Mercury3Gr_A.txt
- RandCompleteBlock.txt
- TwoWayANOVA.txt
- DataTransformTwoWayANOVA.txt
- TwoWayANOVAInteraction.txt
- ThreeWayANOVA.txt
- RepeatedMeasures.txt
- OrganGeneExpression.txt
- LakeBiomass.txt
- LakeIronBiomass.txt
- BartlettTest.txt
- BeetleWtLoss.txt
- WasteCost.txt
- Stepwise.txt
- poly1.txt
- ElephantWt.txt
- Pesticide.txt
- PowerTransform.txt
- nlinGESE.txt
- nlinLogistic.txt
- AncovaEx1Drug.txt
- AncovaEx2TeachingEval.txt
- DiffSlopeMuscle.txt
- PCAex1.txt
- Crime.txt
- MANOVAex1.txt
- MANOVAex2.txt
- XYZ.txt
- Cancor.csv
- Cancor.txt
- KidneyStoneLumped.txt
- KidneyStone.txt
- HairColor.txt
- Titanic.txt
- ThreeD.txt